Saturday, October 20, 2007

Possible Class Time Change - Important!

If you happen to be checking the blog this weekend, EITC has a scheduling conflict, and wanted to know if we'd be willing to move our class to later in the evening (say starting about 8:30 or 8:45). It might be a good idea if this would work w/your schedules to help us build some good karma w/the administration. We would have class till about 10pm in this case.

It works for me, but it also needs to work for you. I need to know by Monday, so will also try to contact those of you I have phone numbers for, and also by email.


1 comment:

Brandon said...

I think you mentioned in the email that it's a dance class. Maybe this is a ploy to get us to take some dancing lessons so we can be more fluid in class... heh.

Anyways, I have no problem with it. On Monday, I will come to class at the normal time to catch anyone that did not read the blog or get an email.