Sunday, January 27, 2008

Class week of Jan. 28


I will be leaving for San Antonio tomorrow morning, and not returning till Friday evening. I'd like Michael to teach Monday, and Brandon Wednesday (or vice versa if they have a preference).

Training in Jackson was great yesterday. Bill Plank sensei covered some interesting perspectives on use of atemi, and also on body and sword position. I'm going to try and attend his class on Friday, Feb. 8th, weather permitting, so if anyone wants to come along, let me know.

See you all Monday evening, Feb. 4.


Friday, January 25, 2008

Joint class with Jackson Hole Aikikai

Hello everyone,

If you end up needing an aikido fix this weekend, just a reminder that Jackson Hole Aikikai will be having a four hour training session, with Bill Plank, Fred (a sandan from Capital Aikikai) and me teaching 1 hour sessions. Classes start at 10:30 am tomorrow (Saturday, Jan. 26) to 12:30, a lunch break, and then classes from 2-4. Plank sensei says you can come late, and just join a class when you get there, so hope to see a few of you there.


Sunday, January 20, 2008

ML King/ID Human Rights holiday

Thanks to Mike and Karl for bringing up the holiday issue. Campus is closed tomorrow for the holiday, so I'm guessing we won't be able to have class. See you all Wednesday.


Class Tomorrow

I was wondering if we are having class tomorrow because it is a EITC holiday?


Thursday, January 10, 2008

Back to Class!!

Hey everyone....I will be coming back to class on Monday! I will have to be a little careful though because my right shoulder and elbow are a bit messed up still. Anyway...I look forward to seeing you all and getting back to Aikido....I have missed it.


Monday, January 7, 2008

2008 Classes begin

Just a reminder that classes begin again next Monday, Jan. 14. If you haven't done so already, you may want to sign up for the semester with EITC.